While you are reading this message, in the village of Verkhneusinsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Orthodox community is praying to God in a cold house with a dome and a cross on the roof.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A village in the remote taiga, to which the “sovereign light” was shown only a few years ago. The village where the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was destroyed a hundred years ago.

I, priest Andrey Grebenyuk, are the rector of the St. Nicholas Church under construction. Why am I here? Yes, because there is no one else. Because the biblical question “whom shall I send” was answered with the words of Isaiah: “Here I am. Send me.” And even though I didn’t serve in the landing force – “Nobody but us”!

Why am I writing this? I am looking for co-workers and benefactors.
I am looking for those whose souls ache for ordinary Russian people living without the Word of God, without the Divine Liturgy, without pastoral consolation.

But I’m not looking for those for whom help is a way to please their pride. The movement of the soul is what is important. Help from the heart. From love and gratitude to God.

I want to build a temple of the Saint. I want to baptize village children and talk about God.

But… First, I want to tidy up the house with the dome.
DON’T FREEZE❗ Urgently buy coal for the stove, a gas gun and a couple of cylinders for the Altar. At least survive the Epiphany frosts in some relative warmth.

I ask everyone to help my taiga mission.
We will pray for you!

I, Priest Andrey, will be happy to answer all your questions by phone or WhatsApp: +79811699738
I will be grateful for any donation for the Church of St. Nicholas of Taizhny. Heart to Heart.

Tinkoff: 5536913791824630
+79811699738 Andrey Alexandrovich G.

While you are reading this message, in the village of Verkhneusinsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Orthodox community is praying to God in a cold house with a dome and a cross on the roof.

While you are reading this message, in the village of Verkhneusinsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Orthodox community is praying to God in a cold house with a dome and a cross on the roof.

While you are reading this message, in the village of Verkhneusinsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Orthodox community is praying to God in a cold house with a dome and a cross on the roof.

While you are reading this message, in the village of Verkhneusinsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Orthodox community is praying to God in a cold house with a dome and a cross on the roof.

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