The largest mosque in Crimea is being built with the money of an Orthodox businessman. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The construction of the largest Cathedral Mosque in Crimea, which is being completed, is being carried out at the expense of an Orthodox businessman, Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea Tikhon (Shevkunov) said at a press conference.

“This mosque, which they say is grandiose, is being built by a very good friend of mine. He is an entrepreneur, Orthodox, and this mosque is being built with his funds. And I’m very glad that he does it. There was such an order, and it found such a spiritual response from the person, the understanding that here it is necessary to apply one’s capabilities, strength, and reserves. Turkish companies are building to some extent, but our Russian companies are building to a greater extent,” he said.

“As for the opening, I will be very happy that it will happen. We know that people of this faith, culture, and Crimean Tatar people live in Crimea and, of course, it is very good that our state, which helps build Orthodox churches, also helps build Muslim churches. If God willing, I will definitely come to the opening,” the Metropolitan assured.

Previously, the Russian leadership invited Turkish President Recep Erdogan to the opening of the mosque. However, his visit is unlikely – Ankara officially refuses to recognize the Russian status of Crimea.

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “PolitNavigator”

The largest mosque in Crimea is being built with the money of an Orthodox businessman.

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