Gastroenterologist Kharlov listed the diseases that are caused by additives in processed meat products.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Consumption of semi-finished meat products containing mixtures in order to reduce their cost can be hazardous to health and provoke some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Gastroenterologist Nikita Kharlov told Reedus about this. Over the past year, the demand of meat producers for mixtures to reduce their cost in Russia has increased by 24%, reports Gazeta.Ru, citing a study by the TenderPro company. This mainly concerns soy protein (50.3%), animal protein (39.3%), egg melange (25.4%) and meat flavorings (11.5%). “As for egg melange, if it is of high quality, there will be no problems with it, except for individual intolerance. Many people have an allergy to egg white, and if there is more of it, it can become more pronounced. The same goes for animal protein. But soy protein has the most problems. Not only is it more allergenic than eggs and animal products, but it is also hormonally active. However, soy flavones and isoflavones have an estrogenic effect on the body. That is, these are xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, this is an interference in a person’s hormonal state, which is unsafe for many,” Kharlov explained to Reedus. The doctor emphasizes that most people do not control their health and do not know what is happening to them. them, and with regular consumption of soy, various problems can progress. These include metabolic syndrome and liver disease, and less commonly chronic non-alcoholic fatty disease. In men, this can provoke visceral obesity, in women – problems with the tissues of the mammary gland and uterus.” As a result, excess soy protein will lead to problems with conception and pregnancy. But these are all the consequences of constant use, which cannot be taken into account even in one year. Soy protein itself can only partially be called complete, because it is still very, very protected from human digestion,” explained the gastroenterologist. As for aromas, according to the expert, nothing positive can be expected from them either: they can cause reactions at the intestinal level, from irritation to inflammation. In people with a high predisposition to such pathologies or with chronic diseases in remission, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, such tastes can cause exacerbation. “The person will have an attack, so to speak, an unpleasant experience in the hospital with frequent loose stools with blood. Well, and many other problems associated with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases,” concluded Kharlov. Earlier, nutritionist Polina Zhuravleva named the main differences between harmful and healthy strawberries. According to the expert, early strawberries that appear on shelves in late spring may contain pesticides, because farmers use them to speed up the ripening of berries in unstable weather conditions.

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