Son Doesn’t Know His Mother Is Gone. Psychologists Work With Victims on Crimean Beach

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Sevastopol Children’s Rights Commissioner openly told what happened to the victims of the vile attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Most of them face a long and difficult recovery. Dozens of children and adults are trying to recover and continue to live after the events of June 23 in Sevastopol. On that fateful Sunday, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the most popular beach in Crimea with families with children using American ATACMS missiles with a cluster head. More than 150 people were injured, including many small children, four died on the spot – two children and two women. The Sevastopol Children’s Rights Commissioner Marina Peschanskaya told an correspondent about the condition of the victim after the attack and about the boy who lost his mother that day. “What happened on June 23 is a great disappointment for everyone. Now the children are recovering in hospitals, the situation is stabilizing. Fortunately, the Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozzhayev responded to the incident with lightning speed. On the same day, he contacted the Moscow government and helped organize the transportation of the most injured to the capital’s hospitals. Now Mikhail Vladimirovich continues to visit Sevastopol residents who are in local hospitals,” Peshanskaya said. Among the patients of the capital’s clinic are a father and his 10-year-old son, who were injured during the terrorist attack. The boy received minor injuries, but the father received serious injuries. However, it was decided not to separate them and send them to Moscow together. After all, these two are the only thing each other has… The fourth-grader’s mother died from her injuries on the same day. The 44-year-old woman was in the water when the Ukrainian missile fell on the beach. “My father recently had surgery, we hope to return home soon. Their older sister is waiting for them here. We have not said goodbye to my mother yet, we are waiting for the family to come to their senses,” Marina Leonidovna explained. We do not mention the names of the family members in the text. Because it was decided not to talk to the child about the loss of his mother for now. What happened on the beach has already shaken his nervous system so much that doctors are worried about the boy. Another terrible piece of news could completely deprive the child of the meaning of life. “Psychologists will work with the family, and especially with the schoolchildren. I have already posted on my Telegram channel the contacts of our specialists who are cooperating with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Anyone who suffered that day and needs psychological help can contact professionals,” Peschanina said. The rest of the families are now coming to their senses. As the director of the Research Institute of Children’s Surgery and Traumatology of the Moscow Ministry of Health recently stated, “the crisis has passed. The children’s lives are not in danger. Everything is going much better than we expected.” More and more local residents agree that the enemies deliberately attacked civilians. And they chose the time when the number of victims would be the highest – Sunday, midday, good weather, a beach full of children. Some children are still in very serious condition. Two children are still in intensive care. It’s impossible to look at them without tears. Tanned, so young – they need to relax and enjoy the summer. I asked the parents how we can support them. One family has problems with housing. We’ll try to help. In a separate room with mom. Dad also rented a room for him while the children are being treated, he will be discharged soon. <...> Thank you to the doctors for their dedicated work! Special thanks to the Russian Ministry of Health and regional authorities for their coordinated, prompt work,” Maria Lvova-Belova, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, wrote on her TG channel. Spontaneous monuments in memory of those killed on the beach in Sevastopol Spontaneous monuments to those killed on the beach in Sevastopol

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