Video of a vandal destroying the Pervomaisky Market stop in Omsk – April 3, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A quarrel between a guy and a girl ended in an act of vandalism. Source: “Omsk Incident” / In Omsk, they are looking for a young man who destroyed two public transport stops “Pervomaisky Market”. It is known for certain that the incident occurred on the night of April 2. A guy in a light jacket and sneakers was captured by a video camera Source: “Omsk Incident” / Judging by the video, the outburst of aggression in the young Omsk resident was caused by a quarrel with a girl. He couldn’t find a better way to vent his negative emotions than by knocking down the front door of the hot stop pavilion. First, the door of one stop was damaged, and then the next one. The drama unfolded after two o’clock in the morning. As an NGS55.RU correspondent was told by the Capital-Stroy company (which deals with hot stops in Omsk), the broken pavilions are now not working. The doors were temporarily covered with plywood. The company filed a police report. Capital-Stroy hopes to obtain compensation for material damage from the vandal – according to preliminary estimates, the young man will have to pay the company about 40 thousand rubles to replace the double-glazed windows.

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