Vadim Kstenin will move from the post of mayor to RVC-Voronezh – Russia today

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From July 1, 2024, Vadim Kstenin, who has already announced his resignation as mayor of Voronezh, will begin work as the head of RVC-Voronezh, at the suggestion of the Rosvodokanal group of companies. The company announced this on Thursday, May 23. “For our group, and for Voronezh, this means maintaining high rates of development of the water service. The current general director of the water service, Oleg Nikolaenko, after seven years of successful work in Voronezh, is moving to the position of head of the water sector. The Board of Directors for technological projects of the Rosvodokanal group of companies, according to the official statement of the organization, it became known that the mayor of Voronezh Vadim Kstenin will go on vacation from June 13, after which he will return to work at a new place of vacation Vadim Kstenin, first deputy head of the administration for the city economy Sergei Petrin will become acting mayor As reported by RIA Voronezh, the Governor of the Voronezh region Alexander Gusev held a meeting with Vadim Kstenin, during which he heard a report on his activities as mayor of the city for six years. The head of the region expressed gratitude to Vadim Kstenin for the work done and offered to become an adviser to the governor on urban infrastructure issues. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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