Ussuri paratroopers stormed the Ukrainian Armed Forces support center in the Andreevka area

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Military personnel of the Ussuri Separate Guards Air Assault Detachment of the Southern Group of Warriors conducted a successful operation in the Andreevka and Kurdyumovka area in the Donbass. The information was released by the Ministry of Defense. According to the department, the servicemen were carrying out a combat mission. They destroyed Ukrainian armed forces personnel and drones. During the work, an enemy stronghold was discovered. It was decided to take it by storm. The soldiers worked throughout the day to strengthen their positions. At night the assault began. The operation was carried out using small arms and sniper weapons. When all the firing points were suppressed, the soldiers entered the outpost. Some Ukrainians fled, others surrendered. Earlier it was reported that the Russian army stormed the fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Volchansk, Kharkov region. The object was located in the central hospital building.

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