A Latvian man and his daughter sailed to Russia on a raft and asked for asylum

Publication in CHAT: Russia

A resident of Latvia, Stanislav Bukains, along with his five-year-old daughter, set off on a raft to Russia and asked for asylum. This was reported by REN TV. Bukains is a political blogger and activist. In Latvia, he was subjected to criminal prosecution. His acquaintance, Ruslan Pankratov, said that the man could have reached Russia via Lithuania or Estonia, but for some reason chose the water route. Earlier, the mayor of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko, said that residents of Toretsko, Donetsk People’s Republic, evacuated to the city would be helped to find relatives in Russia and on paper. Before this, adviser to the head of the DPR, Igor Kimakovsky, reported that the first group of refugees from battle-torn Toretsko was transferred to the rear of the republic.

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