The Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater invites you to the opera “The Magic Flute”

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13.12.2023 19:49 SAMARA. DECEMBER 13TH. LAST NEWS. Read: 34 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after D.D. Shostakovich invites viewers on January 11, 12, 13 and 14 to the opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. “The Magic Flute” (12+). Photo: courtesy of the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater “The Magic Flute” is an opera-fairy tale celebrating the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, love over deception, friendship over enmity. The composer’s last opera is a deep philosophical work that embodies Mozart’s ideal of a just state. Despite the complexity of the plot, the idea of ​​the opera is extremely clear: the path to happiness lies only through overcoming difficulties and trials. Happiness is not given by itself, it is achieved as a result of perseverance, patience, love and faith in good forces. Mikhail Panjavidze’s production is the first incarnation of The Magic Flute on the stage of the Shostakovich Opera and Ballet. This is “theater within a theater”: the characters of the play perform “The Magic Flute” as a home performance, and the twists and turns of Mozart’s opera help them understand their own hearts and everyday problems. Last news

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