Safonov spoke for the first time about his serious illness – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Kirill Safonov Photo: YouTube frame Kirill Safonov gave his first interview after moving to Israel. For two years now, the actor has been building his life abroad – his family members, his mother and sisters, have been living there for a long time. His wife Sasha Savelyeva often comes there, continuing to live in two countries, fearing to lose her job in Russia. Not long ago, the media wrote that due to rare meetings, the spouses’ relationship began to rapidly deteriorate. Safonov honestly answered a question about rumors of an upcoming divorce. “We are in such a situation now, I am in such a situation now… You are asking about a divorce, and now I have to apologize?! No, we are not getting a divorce, no,” Safonov assured. The actor made sure that most of the news about his life that gets into the press does not reflect reality. “They made it up so that sometimes you think: God, guys, we need to write a script for you,” the ex-soloist of the Fabrika group agreed with her husband. Kirill urges people to believe only what he personally tells them. For example, during his last interview, he admitted that he had fallen seriously ill last month. Safonov, 51, was being treated for pneumonia. For a long time, he was apparently in a serious condition – he could not even read messages from friends congratulating him on his birthday. “It so happened that I caught pneumonia, I was lying down all this time… I didn’t even have the strength to open the messages, but I thank everyone who congratulated me, I will try to answer,” the deceased actor admitted. Russia. Based on materials from the YouTube channel Sheinkin40.

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