The Prosecutor General’s Office increased the amount of claims against the former owners of CHEMK to 105 billion rubles.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Prosecutor General’s Office asked the court to recover 105 billion rubles from Yuri, Mikhail, Lyudmila Antipov, Alexander, Lyudmila Aristov, Elena, Alexander Kretov and two companies – Etalon Company LLC and Ariant Group LLC. In order to pay the amount, the department demanded to recover in favor of the state 100% of the shares of Kuban-Vino LLC, Agrofirma Yuzhnaya LLC, Agrofirma Ariant LLC, TsPI-Ariant LLC, owned by the Ariant group of companies. The department also demanded the recovery of 100% of the shares of Katav-Ivanovsky Foundry LLC, owned by Etalon Company JSC.

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