The pontoon bridge between the villages of Bobrovka and Spiridonovka will be restored in 2025

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06.22.2024 22:26 SAMARA. 22ND OF JUNE. LAST NEWS. Read: 15 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter On Saturday, June 22, the acting governor of the Samara region, Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, responded to requests from residents of three districts at once: Kinelsky, Bogatovsky, Volzhsky. People warned the regional leader about a destroyed pontoon bridge between two rural settlements – Bobrovka and Spiridonovka. Photo: Yulia Rubtsova (SOVA news agency The facility has been destroyed for more than three years. In the spring of 2021, it could not withstand the ice jam. If the pontoon bridge is restored, people will significantly reduce travel time to the regional capital. The problem is especially pressing for the population of the village of Domashka – it is literally cut off from other settlements in the Kinelsky district. “Residents of three districts at the same time really need this crossing; it will relieve congestion on the Zubchaninovskoe highway in Samara, because our residents will have the opportunity to cross the Kirovsky Bridge,” said the head of the Kinelsky district. , Yuri; Zhidkov. “We will support you here. Now let’s start designing. And next year we will do it safely, but constructively, so that people can move quickly. You must repair the road. Agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the region,” Vyacheslav Fedorishchev instructed local authorities. . He also noted the need to carry out a major overhaul of all bridges across small rivers in the Kinel region in the near future to bring them into proper working condition. “This is, first of all, a security problem; we cannot wait for tragedies, so we are checking,” concluded the acting governor. Last news

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