The main suspect was an oil boiler • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On Friday, December 8, students and teachers at the Saint-Alban primary school in Côtes-d’Armor in France suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, French television channel bfmtv reported. After students and adults complained of headaches, the school administration contacted emergency services. The gendarmerie team reported to the district about possible carbon monoxide poisoning. Then 76 children and 5 adults were evacuated, and a lot of resources were mobilized. 55 firefighters, a brigade of six gendarmes and six emergency services were sent to the scene. Four helicopters were also involved, including three from Smur (mobile emergency and resuscitation service), nine rescue vehicles and ambulances. Of the total number of evacuees, 48 ​​were classified as casualties. Due to carbon monoxide overload, they developed neurological disorders and lost consciousness. Seven of them were transferred to the pressure chamber of the University Hospital of Brest to receive oxygen, five were sent to the emergency department of Saint-Brieuc. Prompt assistance measures helped to resuscitate most of the victims, however, according to the latest data, seven children remain in critical condition. “It’s reassuring news for me to know that they are all being cared for and that there is not one child whose life is at risk,” said St. Albans Mayor Natalie Bovey. “We parents, of course, were worried, but everything returned to normal, at least for my son, I hope the same will happen with other children,” said the mother of one of the students. “It was scary, but then we realized that the children were being taken care of. The principal sent a somewhat reassuring message, saying that they were okay and that firefighters and doctors were on the scene,” said the mother of another student. According to preliminary data, the source of the poisoning was an oil boiler. In addition, the boiler was closed in a sealed room and specialists monitored its operation according to schedule. “The danger of carbon monoxide is that it is completely odorless, completely non-irritating and colorless. His presence is difficult to notice,” said Jean-Paul Hamon, a general practitioner and honorary president of the French Federation of Doctors.

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