The head of Mordovia Artyom Zdunov presented state awards to the residents of the republic

Posting in CHAT: Russia

November 4 is National Unity Day. On the eve of the holiday, a solemn ceremony of presenting state awards took place at the House of the Republic. The awards were received by employees of the police, industry, construction and agriculture, doctors, teachers, clergy, scientists and artists, athletes, representatives of public organizations, that is, all those who make an important contribution to public life through their work. -economic development of Mordovia, strengthening stability and spirituality in society. The head of Mordovia Artyom Zdunov congratulated those present, and in their person all the residents of the republic, on the upcoming holiday. “The Day of National Unity is based on the unity of the people, patriotism, civic responsibility and our sincere love for the Motherland,” said Artem Zdunov. – The events of 1612 taught an important historical lesson: the state belongs to every citizen, it is a subject of common concern and responsibility. In those troubled years, people of different nationalities and different religions took responsibility for the fate of the country, uniting in the name of their native land and thereby saving it from decline and destruction. The lesson is truly important for all of us, for those who came before and who today may succumb to attempts to undermine the situation from the outside. I think that nothing will work out, because in our history there have been many trials, when the people of Russia united in the face of danger and won, when the country gathered its courage and found an answer to any challenges. This was the case during the Patriotic War of 1812, the First World War, the Great Patriotic War, and this was the case 30 years ago, during the events before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It will be so now. Today the whole country has united for a common goal – everything for the front and everything for Victory! Hundreds of thousands, millions of people every day contribute to the Victory. Thousands of concerned citizens and entire enterprises, volunteers, activists of Orthodox and Islamic organizations are participating in collecting humanitarian aid for our military, taking patronage over their families, purchasing the necessary equipment and materials. The head of the republic addressed words of sincere gratitude to everyone who did not stand aside. Unparalleled courage and heroism are demonstrated by the fighters of Mordovia, who today are heroically fighting for traditional values, freedom and independence of our Motherland. Proof of this are the numerous thanks from the command of the Ministry of Defense that the Head of the Republic of Moldova receives. “During a recent trip, I had a short meeting with our military. It was very nice to realize that they did not need anything and were cheerful at heart. We are proud of all the guys and look forward to their victorious return home!” the regional manager emphasized. For their dedicated work, Artyom Zdunov especially thanked the doctors who, in this difficult time, are working in medical institutions of the Kherson region, providing the local population with the necessary medical care. In Mordovia, they are doing a lot to rehabilitate children who returned from the Northern Military District. — A symbol of unity in those early years was Kuzma Minin’s call: “Do not look for personal benefits, but give everything to the common cause.” And, as our history shows, this call remains relevant today. Today, as then, civil peace, our unity, the desire to achieve justice, benefit the Motherland, preserve historical truth, sacred memory and pass on these values ​​to our younger generation are extremely important to us. Thank you very much for your conscientious work and active participation in the life of the country and the republic! Happy National Unity Day! – emphasized the Head of Mordovia. The Chairman of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Chibirkin, the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Moldova Dmitry Pozdnyakov and the Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Mordovia Mikhail Sezganov also addressed the participants of the solemn meeting with words of congratulations. A large group of residents of Mordovia received high state awards on this day.

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