The development strategy of the Perm region identifies six priority areas for the development of the region

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The document provides for implementation in three stages. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region adopted in the first reading the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the region until 2035. The document was presented for consideration by Governor Dmitry Makhonin. The unanimous decision was announced by the people’s representatives at the next meeting of the regional parliament. The portal found out what the document consists of and how to “read” it. The strategy outlines the government’s priority areas of activity. These areas include diversification of core economic sectors, creative economy, green economy, tourism and hospitality, human capital and spatial development. The goal of the strategy is to form the image of the Perm Territory as an environmentally and socially prosperous region, comfortable for life and interesting from the point of view of tourism, as well as a place where conditions have been created for successful business and employment. and self-realization. At the same time, the Kama region should remain a territory with high industrial potential, developed creative and innovative sectors of the economy. During the zero reading, the Governor presented the Strategy to the deputies. Dmitry Makhonin noted that the document provides for implementation in three stages. “By 2035, we will achieve the sustainability of the region and make it even more attractive for both residents and guests,” said the head of the region. Manufacturing and mining will remain the main sectors of the economy. An important role is given to the creative cluster, for example, the field of information technology and scientific activity, the digital economy and the service sector. Active development of construction and real estate is also expected. One of the results of the implementation of the Strategy should be an increase in investment activity. By 2035, the domestic regional product according to the target scenario should reach 103.6%, the labor productivity index – 101.7%, investment – 106.5%. According to the chairman of the regional parliament, Valery Sukhikh, the Strategy is necessary for the successful development of the region in the long term. “A strategy is not just an action plan, but a large-scale document. It will provide a reliable legal basis for the work of all relevant ministries, departments, organizations and other participants in the socio-economic life of the region. It is important that the strategy will provide a systematic approach to solving the problems of long-term development of the region in difficult foreign economic conditions,” emphasized Valery Sukhikh.

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