The Permanent State National Research University Foundation is headed by Ksenia Punina, candidate of political sciences.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The fund is engaged in supporting faculties, scholarships and development of the Botanical Garden. Ksenia Punina has been appointed director of the Endowment (fund) of Perm National Research University. The press service of the university said that she has been running the Knowledge Center “House of Fund” for more than five years, advising NGOs and universities in various regions of the country on the issue of endowment capital Photo: press service of Perm State Research Center University The fund at the university deals with such issues as targeted support for faculties, scholarships, development of the historical museum of the Perm State National Research University and the Botanical Garden. He added that over ten years the volume of endowment capital has grown from 3 to 16 million rubles. And in 2023, the fund’s income exceeded 3.4 million rubles, which is more than the initially collected amount. Let us remind you that the Foundation Fund appeared at the Perm State National Research University in 2014. The mechanism of operation of a Fund of this type has been proven for centuries, in the practice of the endowments of Nobel, Carnegie, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Earlier, as reported, a political strategist was appointed head of the cultural department in Perm.

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