The British Navy reported an attack on a ship off the coast of Yemen – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The UK Maritime Trade Operations Office (UKMTO) on its official social media account X reported an attack on a British warship off the coast of the Yemeni port of Hodeidah – UKMTO received a report of the incident 98 nautical miles (about 181.5 kilometers). – With. “VM”) south of Hodeidah, Yemen. Authorities are conducting an investigation, according to a post on social media. UKMTO called the incident an “attack.” British ships were advised to proceed with caution in the area and to report any suspicious situations. In May, a Panama-flagged tanker was damaged by a missile attack in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. A fire started on board. At the end of April, Yemen’s Houthis launched a missile attack on the British-owned tanker Andromeda Star in the Red Sea. The ship also flew the Panamanian flag. In response to the Houthi aggression, the UK and the US, with the support of the international coalition, began to carry out attacks on transport facilities in Yemen in January. What is known about the operation is in the material of “Evening Moscow”.

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