Time of increased mobility. We figure out why prices and demand for taxi services are growing

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Among the main reasons for the rise in the cost of trips, experts highlight the outflow of drivers from the market and the rise in the cost of transport services. The average bill for a taxi ride in the Perm Territory in June 2024 was 475 rubles. This is 10% more than in the same period last year, experts from the Check Index service told VKurse.ru. In April-May of this year, the average cost of a trip was 7.16% lower and amounted to 441 rubles. Compared to the same period last year, it has increased by 11%. Photo: VKurse.ru In Maxim taxi in Perm, the average bill for a trip is now 505 rubles, the service reported. This is 4% more than in May 2024 and 35% more than in June 2023. Reasons for the price increase Currently, prices for cars, maintenance, spare parts, fuel, lending and insurance continue to rise. Price fluctuations in taxi aggregator applications are also caused by algorithms for balancing supply and demand. In addition, the complex requirements of the new Taxi Law have created an administrative barrier to the legal work of self-employed individuals with personal cars and the introduction of new … carriers to the market, – noted the specialist of the public relations department of the Maximum Driver Shortage service. As of July 2, 2024, 438 entities were included in the regional register of passenger taxis, of which 141 are self-employed. Information from the Research Center of the Ministry of Transport of Russia As for taxis, 2,560 vehicles are included in the register. In February 2021, before the introduction of the requirement for the color of the taxi, permits valid as of September 1, 2022, of a single style were included in the register. established in the Perm Territory for legally operated taxi vehicles All vehicles must be white with stripes from 12 cm to 25 cm wide made of red and white squares in a checkerboard pattern on the sides of the body In all regions that have established additional requirements for the color of taxis, the number of issued permits for transportation has sharply decreased, noted in Maxim. It is a pity that the Perm Territory did not analyze the experience of its colleagues before adopting the regional law,” the service complained according to the head of the press service of the Public Council for the Development of Taxi, who passed away nine months ago, the number of complaints about the shortage of drivers and carriers has been growing. In a survey conducted by the organization at the end of 2023, 70% of taxi companies reported a shortage of drivers. Depending on the region, this figure fluctuated between 20-30%. The lack of performers directly affects the cost of the trip – the fewer offers for transportation, the higher the cost of services. The new law “On taxi” is one of the main factors in the shortage of drivers, rising costs of trips and reduced availability of the service for the population, Maxim emphasized. However, this does not ensure the achievement of the goals of market legislation, the service added. “Compare: more than half a million drivers in the taxi industry have registered self-employment and pay professional income tax to regional budgets, but 50 times fewer applied for permits for this activity. At the beginning of 2023, about 2.5 million drivers were employed in the industry,” Maxim explained. The service talks about the need to finalize the industrial law, introduce separate regulation for taxi fleets and self-employed drivers in personal cars, and simplify the rules of work for them. individuals as much as possible Only an increase in the number of carriers on the market will help contain the rise in the cost of trips, the service added. However, it would be wrong to assume that only the new law was the reason for the increase in the cost of services, notes Ekaterina Kiseleva. “The reason is a combination of economic, legislative and seasonal factors. It is difficult to say when the taxi industry received targeted support from the state. This did not happen either during Covid or now, during health restrictions. We regularly contact the authorities with a request to simplify the requirements, for example, for the color of taxi bodies, and to create subsidies for the modernization of vehicles,” she added. Increase in demand. Taxi orders in June 2024 increased by 6%. Check Index analysts attribute this to the continuing growth of citizens’ mobility, the restoration of offline business activity formats and the growth of domestic tourism. Usually, the majority of trips are recorded in January-April. and August-December. High demand is observed on pre-holiday and holiday days, in bad weather, and local peak loads also occur, for example, during mass events, noted Ekaterina Kiseleva. During the May holidays and in the summer, demand weakens. However, in May-June of this year, it was higher due to the increase in tourist flow to large cities and consumer confidence, explained the Management Index. On the contrary, the Maxim service notes increased demand during the May holidays and during the May holidays. summer, when… During holidays and vacations, residents’ mobility increases. At the same time, drivers also go on vacation and for other seasonal work, so during this period, the coefficient for increasing the cost of trips is more likely to work, balancing supply and demand. On any holiday weekend, demand increases by 30-50%, the service added. “The demand for taxis is high, since public transport often does not meet all the needs of residents, and in some situations, a taxi is the only option. In addition, in some industries, salaries are growing – people still have the opportunity to use the service,” Maxim explained. What will happen next? The Public Council for the Development of Taxi predicts a further increase in the cost of trips. This is due to the increase in the costs of maintaining and updating the fleet, as well as an additional type of taxi insurance. Thus, in September 2024, the requirement for civil liability insurance of carriers, according to the Union of Insurers, will be 2.6 thousand rubles. will have to be issued for each taxi car. In this regard, the council sees significant potential for growth in the cost of taxi services: from the lack of a refund mechanism when canceling insurance, unequal payments to passengers and drivers, and ending with the development of fraudulent schemes. As reported by Ekaterina Kiseleva, in June an appeal was sent to the State Duma and the Ministry of Transport of Russia with a request to postpone the validity of the standard to 2028 – this will allow closing the gaps in Maxim. The service hopes that regulators and legislators will pay attention to the problems of the industry and the needs of passengers, eliminate the systemic causes of the outflow of drivers and the increase in the cost of travel. The Citymobil and Yandex Go services did not respond to a request from VKurse.ru at the time of publication

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