The admission campaign for the first grades of Samara schools begins on April 1. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

03.25.2024 08:23 SAMARA. MARCH 25. LAST NEWS. Read: 41 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter On Monday, April 1, the admission campaign for the first grades of Samara schools for the 2024-2025 academic year begins. This was reported by the press service of the Samara City Hall. “In 2024, in the city, the admission of children to the first grades of urban educational institutions will be carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational institutions.” programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” and will be held in 2 stages,” the city administration reported. The first stage is from 9:00 (Samara time) from April 1 to June 30, 2024. During this period, parents (legal representatives) are allowed to submit applications to schools assigned to registration, as well as to lyceums and gymnasiums assigned to the entire city. Also during this period, those who have the right to extraordinary, priority and preferential enrollment in education submit applications. The list of categories of citizens who have the right to extraordinary, priority and preferential admission to first grade is indicated in the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia. The second stage – from 9.00 (Samara time) from July 6 to September 5, 2024. During this period, parents (legal representatives) can submit an application to any school in Samara for available places. The application and documents for admission to the first grade for the 2024-2025 academic year are sent in one of the following ways: electronically through the “Government Services Portal of the Russian Federation” (https://www.gosuslugi. RU). /); by state postal operators by registered mail with return receipt requested; personally to the educational institution. “This year’s admissions campaign will begin on April 1. We expect that this year Samaritan schools will enroll about 13.7 thousand first-graders. I want to emphasize that every child will receive a place in a general education institution,” the head noted. from the education department Irina Kokovina. Consultation on emerging issues can be obtained by contacting the General Education Department by phone: 332 82 48. Latest news

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