The Samara project of residential towers “Balance Towers” ​​has reached the federal level – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The “Balance Towers” ​​residential tower project, which was first heard about in Samara about a year ago, received federal status last week, entering the TOP 3 of the best residential skyscrapers being built in Russia, according to the prestigious URBAN AWARDS. . development award. This was announced at a public discussion of the results of the first year of the project with the developer Balance Towers, CEO of Alliance Management Danil Liburkin. The meeting took place on June 25 in the format of a public speech (“Heste”). As stated in Alliance Management, the developer is so far the only one in Samara that supports this format of open conversation with the city, and this has already become a good tradition. The meeting, where not only the results, but also the company’s future plans were discussed in the first person, was attended by guests – residents of Balance Towers, and everyone interested in the project. The discussion was broadcast online on one of the social networks, and anyone could join with questions. At the beginning of the meeting, Danil Liburkin recalled that well-known capital companies were involved in the creation of the project, and increasing the status of the project was planned from the very beginning. The architectural concept of the Balance Towers residential towers was created by T+T architects and was included in the TOP 30 according to Forbes magazine. This is not only an office with Moscow registration, but also with a large set of projects and clients from the development sector, including: FSK, MR Group, Granel, Forum-Group, Capital Group and Talan. Another capital partner of the project is the federal consulting company RRG, which developed the concept of business infrastructure. The company and its founder Denis Kolokolnikov have been creating local infrastructure for the largest federal developers for 25 years; their key principles and approaches were specially adapted for the Balance Towers residential towers. Currently, the most important attribute of business class, along with successful planning and engineering solutions, is the so-called “slipper accessibility” of all stores for residents. Of course, the quality of such commercial space needs to be taken to a new level. According to the developer, several significant additions have been made to the concept of the project for the tallest residential building in the Volga region: at an altitude of 130 m there will be an observation deck overlooking the panorama of the city and the Volga from the Zhiguli Mountains. . The modernization also affected the transport infrastructure: charging stations for electric vehicles and navigation for unloading materials during repairs appeared in the parking lot in special lifting platforms. Much attention was paid to the comfort of residents: for example, absolutely all elevators in the sections will have direct access to the parking lot and commercial floors. The project was approved by the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Directorate of State Expertise” – this is the only organization in the country where the examination of unique infrastructure projects is carried out: hydroelectric power plants, spaceports, defense and security facilities, runways and railway tracks, as well as all metropolitan skyscrapers. The developer set before demands such high standards to build an exemplary skyscraper that will become an iconic landmark of the city. For Danil Liburkin, this project is a real challenge for himself and the city. “Now we are implementing a finished project, which has no analogues in the region in many respects: architectural concept, complexity of construction, original engineering solutions, height of buildings,” he emphasized. Improving the design of the tallest towers in Samara is a living process. “At the epicenter of the improvement are elements of territory improvement. We want to create the best landscape design in the city: with maximum views, interesting meanings and a yard in which residents of all ages will feel comfortable. I think that. At the end of this year we will be able to present all the solutions,” added Liburkin. The authors of the project are in the field of vision of all public spaces – entrance groups of entrances, lobbies, etc. The moderator of the meeting, Commercial Director of the Alliance Management company Maria Ivanova, noted that modern real estate buyers should get used to a different consumer experience and know more about the residential complex in which they plan to live,” “Including our requests to encourage developers to improve and create. quality projects. Consumers want to be experts—to understand all areas. Real estate should be no exception. It is important to understand what you are buying. Will The apartment can be left to children and grandchildren; they will want to live in it. Will the project be relevant in 10–15 years? Trends are changing, developers must work for the future, what to do? – said Ivanova. Federal experts also took part in the discussion. Denis Kolokolnikov, managing partner of the federal group RRG, spoke about his personal participation in the creation of the project in terms of forming the concept of commercial infrastructure, which will occupy 13% of the total area of ​​Balance Towers, which is on average 3-4 times more than in other new projects. “It is important to create not only an architectural appearance, but also to create a lifestyle and provide all services. The three levels of business in Balance Towers will have different content. The first two floors will have a separate entrance and both external access. and direct access from the residential part of the house. The third floor will become a meeting place for residents and their guests – a self-service center “Balance” with an area for sports, a cafe, beauty and health services, as well as recreation. By organizing all these services, we provided increased engineering comfort for future tenants, the best in its segment,” the expert noted. According to Oleg Nikitenko, head of the OKTOGON company, an expert in the field of urban planning, the developer Alliance Management managed not only to respect the interests of public and private interests, but also to convey the spirit of the city. “Balance Towers” ​​will become the entrance to the commercial part of the city, very friendly and recognizable. The developer approached the construction of a high-rise building with the greatest sensitivity; the project will help develop the surrounding area and increase capitalization. places It is important to respond to place and context, from the name of the project to the architecture and content. Thinking about whether the house will be relevant in 10-20 years is the most important mission of the developer; any project is his statement and dialogue with the city,” the expert is confident. Following the discussion, Maria Ivanova noted that all the changes already made, as well as the upcoming improvements to the project, were highly appreciated by federal experts, the trust of investors and took the “Towers of Balance” beyond the regional context. to the federal level.

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