Registration for the online conference “Community of Good Cities” is open • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The conference will be held on November 8-9 in an online format. On November 8, online broadcasts of presentations by specialists will take place. On this day they will talk about the “Good City” technology, successful work formats of the “Good Cities Community” participants and the “piggy bank” of cases involving local residents in charity. On November 9, participants will be given four interactive webinars, a master class on building a training strategy in an organization, and an introduction to a new tool – the NPO Rating. Between the master classes there will be an online competition of short presentations: you will need to present your city in 45 seconds. The authors of the best works will receive e-books and small cash prizes. Photo courtesy of the organizers “The main thing we will talk about is charity in the city. We’ll tell you how to view your organization’s work from the residents’ perspective. How to take into account the peculiarities of your region and its “tricks”. And another interesting topic is communication. We will analyze specific practices of attracting urban and rural residents, as well as tourists, to our work,” comments program director of the conference Anastasia Gordeeva. The conference will be useful for NGO managers, fundraisers and communications specialists. You can register and view the full program on the conference website. The “Community of Good Cities” has been developing in Russia since 2006. The project was created by the Good City of St. Petersburg Foundation. Now the Commonwealth is a community of non-profit organizations and initiative groups developing charity in their territories. The Commonwealth includes more than 100 cities from 40 regions of Russia. The Good City of St. Petersburg Charitable Foundation is the only local community foundation in St. Petersburg. For more than 10 years, it has been supporting authors of social, cultural and environmental projects in all regions of Russia.

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