Music for the blind, eco-standard for front packs, home improvement for Andrei Bely – KSR digest

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“Yandex Music” has become more accessible for blind users “Yandex Music” has adapted applications for blind users on Android and iOS, and the web version of the service will be updated soon. Now applications fully work with screen readers VoiceOver and TalkBack – programs that read the contents of the screen out loud. Yandex.Music developers helped to correctly reproduce the application interface, adding special markings to all significant elements. Now people with visual impairments will be able to listen to music, audiobooks and podcasts without restrictions. The Yandex sustainable development group, which creates convenient and accessible products for all users, took part in the adaptation of the application. The group came up with non-standard solutions, for example, to speed up navigation through the player, the developers grouped elements – now listeners can, with one click, hear which artist and track is playing in the player and what additional actions can be performed. . this is, for example, “share a track”. Users can now switch between tracks by swiping. Sber employees have helped 5 thousand clients with hearing impairments. Consultations in Russian sign language are held in the Sberbank Online application and bank offices. In 2023, 5,300 people with hearing loss used this service. Sign language interpreters will help you find out the conditions of a Sbercard, deposit or loan. The client just needs to make a video call from the Sberbank Online application – and the contact center operator will answer him. In the same way, the hard of hearing and deaf will be able to get advice at six thousand Sber offices across the country: a specialist will connect his co-interpreter via video from his desktop. For all applicants, this service is completely free and safe, Sberbank adds. The Detsky Mir Foundation is equipping newborn pathology departments. The Detsky Mir Charitable Foundation is starting a new stage of the “Take Care of Those Who Need It” campaign. From November 1 to November 30, when purchasing any two products in an online store, mobile application or in any retail store across Russia, 20 rubles will be sent to help children. The foundation will purchase special equipment, furniture and medical instruments for the pathology departments of newborns and premature babies. “Monitoring conducted by the foundation showed that institutions need additional supplies of medical instruments and equipment, which are not provided for by the standards, but will significantly facilitate the work of staff and make the mother and child’s stay in the hospital more comfortable. We hope that together with Detsky Mir’s buyers we will be able to provide at least three organizations with everything they need,” commented Sergei Pavlov, executive director of the Detsky Mir Foundation. The Sistema Foundation and MTS will issue scholarships to schoolchildren and students. from 35 regions of Russia. The Sistema Charitable Foundation and MTS announced the names of the winners of the joint scholarship program. 60 university students, 3 college students and 16 schoolchildren from 35 regions of Russia presented the best technological projects and cases. Participants were able to choose a nomination from 16 options, among which increasing the comfort of everyday life, creating and integrating digital services, e-commerce, information technology and the forestry industry. The leaders among the regions in terms of the number of scholarship recipients were St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Novosibirsk region and the Republic of Tatarstan. The list of winners was published on the digital educational platform “Lift to the Future.” Photo courtesy of the Sistema Foundation. The scholarship will be paid from November 2023 to March 2024. Schoolchildren – 5,000 rubles per month, college students – 7,500 rubles per month, university students – 20,000 rubles per month. In addition, fellows have the opportunity to undergo an internship or receive a job offer in partner companies of the program. Magnit has developed the first eco-standard in Russia for recyclable, environmentally friendly packaging. Packaging consists of branded cardboard racks for goods and various designs to attract the attention of customers in the store. Every year, the chain stores receive more than 400 thousand promotional packages or about 2.7 million kg of cardboard. They are difficult to recycle due to various additional elements in their composition – plastic, metal and other parts. That is why Magnit, together with the largest suppliers of goods and manufacturers of advertising packaging, decided to create the first voluntary standard for such packaging. After testing various samples, the working group recorded recommendations for retail suppliers in a common document. Among them are the rejection of plastic and metal elements in advertising structures, the rejection of lamination and plastic price tags. Instead, suppliers recommend using price tags made of cardboard or other recyclable material. It is recommended that special markings be applied to packaging packaging that complies with the standard, indicating the possibility of recycling the design. Photo: Vitaly Timkiv/RIA Novosti According to Nadezhda Galaktionova, director for sustainable development of the Magnit retail chain, switching to recyclable materials will help reduce the negative impact on the environment. “Europlan” and the Rusklimatfond planted 6,000 trees in the Vladimir region. Employees of the rental company “Europlan” took part in the environmental activities of the Rusklimatfond to restore forests destroyed by fires. In the Krasnomayakovsky forestry of the Vladimir region, 6 thousand pine seedlings were planted. Young trees will take root in an area of ​​2 hectares specially prepared by foresters. When the seedlings grow, they offset 498 tons of carbon dioxide. Thanks to such environmental initiatives, active participation and support for reforestation activities, according to official data, this season the number of forest fires in the region has decreased by 75%, the Rusklimatfond emphasized. “FSK-Region” transplanted Red Book plants from the construction zone in Vladivostok In the construction zone of the Flagman residential complex in Vladivostok, the company “FSK-Region” in October transplanted 28 specimens of the rarest deciduous tree – Calopanax Sevenloba. Listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation, Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin Region. Within 24 hours, the Red Book plants were transported and planted on the territory of the Gorno-Taiga Station named after. V. L. Komarova Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ussuri Territory, Primorsky Territory. Its total area is 4746 hectares. According to experts, this is enough both for placing plants intended for replanting and for further growing new ones to replace the lost ones. Photo courtesy of FSK-Region The territory for the relocation of the plant was selected in accordance with the requirements and is under the control of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. Ecologists found conditions similar to the construction zone where calopanax originally grew. Specialists carefully dug up the trees without damaging the root system and transported them to a new location. OMK volunteers landscaped the house-museum of Andrei Bely. An event dedicated to the birthday of Andreo Bely, an outstanding theorist of symbolism, poet and writer, was held in the Kuchino microdistrict near Moscow. On October 26, he turned 143 years old. Using the grant that OMK employee Karina Frolova won in the OMK Partnership competition, volunteers purchased tools, paints, brushes and tree seedlings. At the rally, fallen leaves were removed, trees were planted, benches and fences were painted. “This year, together with my colleagues, I decided to clean up the house-museum of Andrei Bely, where my children go on excursions and master classes. I hope that we will continue to be able to take care of the territory of this wonderful place, and that the staff and management of the museum will support our initiative,” said Karina Frolova. Photo courtesy of OMK

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