Murmansk communists came to the defense of Ostanina • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 03 12 2023, 18:45 | SeverPost Photo: VKontakte/Communist Party of the Murmansk Region “Ostanina is for us. We are for Ostanina.” Murmansk activists of the All-Russian Women’s Council “Hope of Russia” held posters with the following inscriptions in defense of State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nina Ostanina. “Fakes are spreading on the Internet. on behalf of State Duma deputy Nina Ostanina, who allegedly forces women to give birth and sends their children after birth to orphanages, simply to improve the demographics in the country. Another fake allegedly encourages women not to get an education, but to sit on their husband’s neck and cook cabbage soup in the kitchen. This is an obvious lie!” say the Murmansk communists. They noted that Ostanina categorically opposes the forced discussion about the return of women to the powerless and uneducated Middle Ages, and recently discussions on the ban on abortion have been actively discussed in society thanks to the instigation of various politicians. After this, some private clinics in the country voluntarily abandoned abortion. At the same time, many believe that the ban will not solve the demographic problem, but will only encourage women to have clandestine abortions. Let us recall that pediatric ophthalmologist Natalya Yevtushenko told SeverPost how northerners can preserve their vision in the polar night. Read also: Northern women have become less likely to have abortions. To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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