Members of the Crimea OP took part in the Plenary session of the “Community” forum – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Public Chamber of Crimea was represented at the event by: Vladimir Rezanov, Olga Sobeshchanskaya, Roman Chegrinets, Ivan Abazher.

As part of the final forum of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “Community”, a Plenary session was held. A draft report of the RF OP on the state of civil society in Russia for 2023 was presented.

Forum participants were invited to take part in its revision. The final version of the document will be presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Public Chamber of Crimea”

Members of the Crimea OP took part in the Plenary session of the “Community” forum

Members of the Crimea OP took part in the Plenary session of the “Community” forum

Members of the Crimea OP took part in the Plenary session of the “Community” forum

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