Kadyrov’s 15-year-old son, who beat a prisoner, was given an “important position” • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Chechen Minister of National Policy Akhmed Dudayev said that the 15-year-old son of Ramzan Kadyrov, who had previously beaten a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center, received an “important position” in the security service of the Chechen leader. Republic. “Adam showed himself to be a brave, courageous patriot of the Motherland and a man ready to defend religion! At a young age, he visited the NWO zone several times! Everyone knows about his brave disposition and strong character!” – He wrote. Netizens noted that the teenager does not have the appropriate education for the position of head of the security department of the head of Chechnya, but he has the right to receive weapons in his new position. Earlier, Ramzan Kadyrov published a video in which his 15-year-old son beats Nikita Zhuravel, who set fire to the Koran, in the building of a pre-trial detention center. The head of the region said that he was proud of his son’s action. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic refused to initiate a criminal case into the beating due to the fact that Adam Kadyrov “has not reached the age of criminal responsibility.” Later, Kadyrov’s son received the title of “Hero of Chechnya”; in Tatarstan and Karachay-Cherkessia, the teenager received the highest awards.

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