In Zapolyarny, Monchegorsk and Kirovsk the first houses were bought with the help of Arctic Mortgage

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Photo: SeverPost/Alexander Loginov In the Murmansk region, young families purchased apartments in Zapolyarny, Kirovsk and Monchegorsk, receiving preferential loans under the Arctic Mortgage state program, VTB reports. Transactions also took place in Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The average loan size was 2.8 million rubles. Director of the Department of Social Projects of the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation Sergei Potanin noted: “The President of Russia supported the initiative of the Ministry of Eastern Development of Russia and the KRDV to extend the Far Eastern mortgage to the Arctic. The Far East, where the preferential housing lending program has been in effect for 4 years, has proven its effectiveness and has become a popular support measure: more than 92 thousand families in the Far East were able to purchase their own housing with its help. By creating stable demand in the main market, Far Eastern Mortgage stimulated the rapid growth of the construction industry of the Far Eastern Federal District: during the implementation of the program, the volume of housing under construction in the macroregion increased more than 2 times. ” “For Russians living in harsh climatic conditions, it is very important to have their own comfortable housing. That is why we became the first bank to accept applications for Arctic mortgages even before the official start of the program. So far we have received more than 1.4 thousand requests from our clients, and today we made our first transactions. This will allow borrowers to buy a new apartment with a minimal debt load, and some of them will be able to celebrate the New Year there,” commented Georgy Gorshkov, vice president and chairman of the board of VTB. The bank accepted applications. for “Arctic Mortgage” since the end of October, at the moment specialists have already received more than 1.4 thousand applications, about half of which came from the North-West. The terms of the new preferential program are identical to the parameters of the Far Eastern mortgage: the rate will be 2% for the entire term of the contract, the advance payment will be at least 20% of the cost of the purchased property, the maximum loan amount will be 6 million rubles, the term is 20 years. Participants in the preferential mortgage program can include teachers and doctors who have worked in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for at least five years, young spouses no older than 35 years, as well as single parents raising a child under 1 year of age. 18 inclusive. . They can take out a loan to purchase real estate in both the primary and secondary markets. You can get a mortgage with a minimum rate for the purchase of real estate in the Murmansk region, the Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts, as well as in some territories: the Arkhangelsk region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republics of Komi and Karelia. . At the same time, the cost of one square meter of the acquired object should not exceed the average market indicator for the corresponding object, determined by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement. The terms of the program do not apply to the refinancing of previously issued housing loans. Borrowers will be able to receive VTB funds to purchase apartments and townhouses on the main market. In rural settlements and single-industry towns you can buy secondary objects. Let us remind you that Kirov residents have achieved success with the new festival. Read also: The reason for the closure of Alyosha passage in Murmansk has become known

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