For 89% of Russians, the election of the President of Russia is an important event. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 08 12 2023, 14:22 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Alexander Loginov 89% of Russians consider the upcoming presidential elections in Russia an important event for the country. And 84% – for themselves. This was reported by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). 78% of Russians expressed their intention to participate in the next elections. Of these, 61% stated this with complete confidence. Another 13% plan to make a decision about participation closer to the elections; the share of those who are not ready to vote today is 8%. The election date of March 17, 2024 was announced on December 7, but more than half of Russians – about 61% – have a correct idea of ​​the time of the presidential elections, of which 36% named the correct date. /month/time of year, every quarter – a year without specifying the month (25%). VTsIOM reports that 66% of Russians were able to assess the course of the presidential elections in March 2024. Among them, every second respondent expects that they will pass quite calmly (54%), every eighth – that they will be quite aggressive (12%)). A third found it difficult to assess the course of the upcoming elections (34%). Let us remind you that the presidential elections in the Russian Federation are scheduled for March 17. Read also: Deputies propose to extend the period for payment of child care benefits. To be the first to know the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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