Europe has promises for Ukraine, but no money • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

European leaders have admitted that they will not be able to fulfill their promise to supply Ukraine with 1 million rounds of ammunition by spring, the French newspaper Lefigaro reports. “Europe has found words for Ukraine. But there is no way to put them into practice yet,” warns former French Ambassador to Israel Gerard Araud. In the United States, Trump supporters have taken aid to Ukraine hostage, refusing to include it in their program. budget for next year. We’re out of money and almost out of time!” – said American National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. In turn, the European Union risks receiving a veto from Viktor Orban, who wants to refuse to discuss and vote on the topic of aid. “The Europeans are clearly not ready to make the necessary sacrifices to allow the Ukrainians to resist Russian aggression in better conditions,” complained a senior French diplomat.

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