Dr. Sokolov said that brisk walking is the best form of cardio training

Posting in CHAT: Russia

February 26, 2024, 17:32 Read 360tv in Cardiologist of the JSC “Medicine” clinic Denis Sokolov, in a conversation with Lenta.ru, said that walking uphill is one of the best types of cardio training. At the same time, he added that this does not require any special conditions or physical training, and you can walk at any time. As Izvestia wrote, thanks to walking, the blood vessels and muscles of the heart are strengthened, and blood circulation improves. , and sleep returns to normal. At the same time, the doctor warned that a person should choose the load according to his own strength. “A person playing sports should not feel dizzy, short of breath, or increased heart rate. With these symptoms, walking speed should be reduced,” Sokolov said. Authors: Victorio Markova

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