Divers recovered the body of a man who disappeared four days ago from the Volga – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On Monday, May 20, diving teams of the Syzran and Tolyatti search and rescue teams conducted search operations in the Volga waters in the Shigonsky district near the village of Usolye. A 36-year-old man disappeared here on May 16. Photo: PSS in the Samara region As reported in the PSS in the Samara region, the relatives of the missing person turned to rescuers for help. During a survey of the coast, his belongings were discovered. On May 20 at 9:10, at the request of the police, divers began to examine the water area. The search area was divided into sectors for inspection. At 12:22 p.m., the missing person was found 20 meters from the shore at a depth of 4.5 meters. The man was taken ashore and handed over to police officers. Eight rescuers were involved in the search work. Last news

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