causes, risk factors, symptoms and diagnostic methods – Russia today

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Cervical cancer is an oncological pathology in which malignant degeneration of epithelial cells occurs. In terms of frequency of occurrence in women, it is second only to breast cancer. Evening Moscow learned more about the causes of this disease, as well as how to identify the pathology, from an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences Surayo Nazarova. Causes of cervical cancer According to a specialist, the cause of cervical cancer is an oncogenic type of human papillomavirus (HPV). Risk factors for the development of this type of oncology are: early onset of sexual activity by sexual partners who do not use barrier methods of contraception – nicotine promotes the activation of the human papillomavirus; It was believed that cervical cancer mainly occurs in women over 40 years of age, but now there is a tendency towards its rejuvenation. That is, this happens to both young women and girls,” said Nazarova. How to detect uterine cancer. In the initial stages, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, the gynecologist noted. But in the later stages of cervical cancer, the following appear: spotting after sexual intercourse, painful and prolonged sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen and back; cancer in the early stages – so-called screening. Basically, it includes regular examinations with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Scheduled examinations must be carried out every six months, even in the absence of complaints,” Nazarova noted. During a visit to the doctor, they must take a smear from the cervix for cytology or a Pap test, the doctor emphasized: “Normally, the result of a smear for cytology should be negative. That is, no atypical cells were found.” detected in a cytological smear. Depending on the results of the cytological smear, regular examination of smears allows for the timely detection of cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition of the cervix), colposcopy and biopsy according to indications – all these methods are aimed at the timely detection of pathologies and cancer prevention, the specialist explained. “And, of course, the most important thing in preventing cervical cancer is vaccination against HPV, against the nine most powerful types of HPV,” added Nazarova.

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