In the footsteps of Belgian colonists in Taganrog – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Today is another anniversary of the launch of metallurgical production in Taganrog. This happened in 1896. A year earlier, the Russian-Belgian Metallurgical Society appeared. What was it created for? The fact is that the processes of industrialization of our Motherland were already underway. A railway to Siberia was built, and the road network in the south of the Empire was expanded. For these purposes, it was necessary to supply enterprises with high-quality steel and cast iron. This means that heavy metallurgy was necessary. This is how the Russian-Belgian joint-stock company appeared – in modern terms, it was an investment of foreign capital in our industry. One of the oldest plants in Europe was transported and installed in Taganrog. In addition to the metallurgical plant, a boiler house of the same joint-stock company opened in our city (in the same year). In addition, the company’s metallurgical plant appeared in the city of Yenakievo (DPR). In our city, behind modern Vygonnaya Street (which is so called because the city ends behind it and pastures intended for grazing begin), a large area was allocated for the needs of the plant. Today we want to show several places that are associated with the Belgians in Taganrog, but are not related to the plant. Let’s start with what was lost. Did you know that there was once a microdistrict in Taganrog that was called “kolonka”, from the “Belgian colony”? It was located near the Olympus Palace of Culture, where now there are multi-storey buildings built in the 1970s. The fact is that the plant was brought from abroad – and specialized specialists were needed to launch the huge production machine. So the Belgians themselves had to be taken to Taganrog. Only one photograph of this area has survived. This is modern Parkovy Lane. On the right is the territory of the “Column”: In addition, this photo has been preserved. Signed as follows: “Reception with Mr. Guerpinha on the occasion of the ignition of the first blast furnace of the metallurgical plant. After Harpigny’s death, Albert Nev was appointed director of the plant: This building has been preserved. His address is Socialist Street, 160-2: In addition, two residential buildings for workers have been preserved on Socialist Street. The numbers of these houses are 151 and 153. This is what one of them looks like. On the other side of the Metallurgical Plant, right next to the disappeared Kolonka microdistrict, there was a plant, presumably a foundry. We are talking about buildings on the territory of ATP No. 5 (right next to the railway crossing on Dzerzhinsky Street). The industrial building has been preserved (although built on it): And the administrative building (and perhaps a residential one, a similar building has been preserved from the destroyed vodka factory): For more than a century, there has been no Russian-Belgian society. The Kolonka microdistrict disappeared, the Belgian hotel stopped working, and other families moved to other houses. But perhaps descendants of the Belgians still live in the city abandoned to us by fate. Egor Belov Previously reported: Romance lovers from Taganrog will be able to watch News of June Bootids 5183 on Notepad-Taganrog

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