Aries, if you are overcome by doubt, fear or uncertainty, remember that these are just temporary obstacles.

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Taurus, in the evening it is advisable to abandon collective work and switch to a strategy of secret individual decisions.

Gemini, your enthusiasm is unlikely to last long. Try to do everything necessary and stop on time so as not to waste energy.

Cancer, you will probably notice that some pleasures are too expensive for you.

Leos, if you find yourself in a critical situation, at the end of the day you will unexpectedly gain the strength to overcome the crisis.

Virgo, when it comes to relaxation and creativity, you may encounter familiar little flaws that will negate some of your success.

Libra, you may suddenly discover that you have unfinished business, unfinished documents, old debts.

Scorpios, focus on what you can rely on in unexpected circumstances, on what you can do on your own, without prompting or help.

Sagittarius, taking care of yourself will come quite naturally to you today. Feel free to take on current personal and family tasks – no one will bother you.

Capricorns, choose those that don’t take up much time, are clear to you and allow you to remain yourself.

Aquarius, even if you are a born gourmet and love culinary delights, today you can easily get by with sandwiches eaten on the go.

Pisces, if you feel an irresistible desire to take another bold step into the future, try to consciously restrain yourself from taking decisive action.

Aries, if you are overcome by doubt, fear or uncertainty, remember that these are just temporary obstacles.

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