An endocrinologist explained how female hormones affect behavior and mood – June 9, 2024

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Sharp fluctuations in hormones can ruin the character of even the sweetest lady. But the influence of sex hormones on the female body cannot be overestimated, say our colleagues from Doctor Peter. This is in no way an “excuse” to explain a bad mood and a constant desire to cry. This is physiology, endocrinologist Natalya Tanygina explained how sharp fluctuations in hormones can spoil the character of even the sweetest lady and harm physical health, and what signs of hormonal imbalance should be paid special attention to Natalya Tanygina – Candidate of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist of the Central Medical Clinic Central Medical Research Institute of Epidemiology Rospotrebnadzor. The hormones are the same, but the reactions are different. The person is very interesting: both the male and female bodies are regulated by the same hormones, including sex hormones. The only difference is in their number and proportions,” says the endocrinologist. — For men, everything is simple: there are primary and auxiliary hormones that are produced stably and predictably throughout life, and their amount depends only on age, lifestyle and heredity. For women it’s different. The same hormones combine in the most bizarre ways, periodically introducing confusion and unpredictability into the life and well-being of their owner. Based on two hormones Two hormones that support the female menstrual cycle are estrogen (the main representative is estradiol). progestin (progesterone). “This is the basis of a woman’s life, and not only intimate,” explains the doctor. “In a month, these hormones manage to change their proportion three times, which, of course, greatly affects a woman’s behavior and mood. Estradiol is the main female hormone. Its key role is the growth of the egg. responsible for good health, normal sleep, positive mood and increases sexual desire. Estradiol also affects appearance: the skin becomes clearer, nails become stronger, and hair becomes shiny. In addition, estradiol has an anabolic effect, but this is best noticeable when consumed. no: weight begins to gain, – explains Natalya Tanygina. The task of the second most important female hormone – progesterone – is to preserve the egg and create comfortable conditions for fertilization, the action of progesterone is not limited only to the ovary and uterus, – the doctor continues – Progesterone retains fluid, affects the sensitivity of cells to insulin, slightly reduces bile production, and also promotes fat gain. Problems with skin and hair in women are a reason to consult a gynecologist Source: Natalya Mikhaleva. / 59.RU Due to the different levels of these hormones, changes occur in a woman’s body every 7–10 days. — From 5–7 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, estrogenic time begins. Woman blossoms. The mood is good, performance improves, and the whole world is beautiful,” explains the endocrinologist. – Estrogens accumulate slowly and reach their peak closer to the middle of the cycle. Ovulation occurs, and the “commander” of the body changes: progesterone comes to the fore. It also builds up gradually and peaks around day 23–24. A woman’s breasts swell, her mood is disturbed, swelling appears, she craves sweets, and her libido decreases. There are also quite a lot of estrogens in this phase of the cycle, but progesterone somewhat blocks their action. If fertilization has occurred, progesterone will continue to dominate in the female body. If not, then its amount, like estrogen, decreases greatly and menstruation begins. Low hormone levels last for about a week. A few days before menstruation itself, premenstrual syndrome, PMS, occurs, and about five days after its onset. It is not surprising that it is not easy for a woman to cope with hormones, the expert concludes. – But there is also the thyroid gland, the work of which can disrupt the rhythm of the secretion of sex hormones in men, the decrease in testosterone occurs gradually and the body adapts to this more easily, but in women this process causes a real hormonal storm. . This manifests itself in the form of hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain and a host of other “pleasures”. So it turns out: it’s difficult for a woman with hormones, but without them it’s even worse,” says the doctor. Warning signs There are some symptoms that may worry a woman: “All these are reasons for communication. gynecologist And in this case, there is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor, says the doctor. Mistakes we make before visiting a gynecologist Many women are sure that a visit to a gynecologist requires careful preparation. Earlier, gynecologist-endocrinologist Evgenia Nazimova told what should really be done before going to the doctor, and what, on the contrary, should not be done during menstruation, which is obvious to some, but gynecologists still encounter such cases.— Taking ointments during the presence of menstrual bleeding in In some cases, it is completely impossible or their results will be less accurate, the doctor says. Avoiding intimate life during the day affects the results of using ointments. Not always, but it’s still worth being safe. Explain to your partner that refusing intimacy the day before is normal practice and there is nothing unusual about it. In fact, this is not at all necessary, this is an individual matter for everyone, and certainly does not depend on a doctor’s examination – if you usually do not do this or do not have time to do hair removal before visiting a gynecologist, then there is nothing wrong with that. For examination and taking the ointment, the presence of hair in the intimate area is not an obstacle. And in general, whether to remove hair or not is a personal matter for every woman,” says the gynecologist. Read about other errors in the material.

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