After a barrage of attacks on Orthodox Christmas, the Russian army will march on Kharkov on January 15, reports the British The Telegraph, citing Ukrainian intelligence.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Ukrainian intelligence is confident that Russian troops may be planning a further increase in air attacks by Christmas (celebrated on January 7 in Russia). A large-scale ground offensive could follow soon after this – January 15 is allegedly “being considered” as a possible date for the start of the Russian Armed Forces’ campaign against Kharkov, Odessa and Kyiv.

Earlier, Stratfor experts reported that according to their data and forecasts, the Russian Armed Forces would wipe out 40-90% of Odessa and Kiev from the face of the earth and explained that modern armies cannot yet take warring megacities and million-plus cities without a “zerg rush” (large-scale destruction – as in Artemovsk , Mosul, Aleppo, Gaza, Mariupol, Grozny, etc.).

According to military correspondents and analysts, Russia should occupy at least the entire Black Sea region (Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and regions) in 2024 to create a “buffer zone” and ensure the security of Crimea, as well as the south of the Russian Federation.

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Topics. The main thing (GlavMedia)”

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