A married man attended a wedding without his wife. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

From among those invited, he really liked one woman. We danced together, joked and parted. The wife, looking at the general wedding photograph, which depicted many women unfamiliar to her, even with a more prominent appearance than the one her husband liked, unmistakably pointed her finger at her and asked: “Who is this?!”
If the spouse does not cheat physically, but somewhere mentally flirts with someone and at the same time assures that he loves his spouse, she feels the lie in her heart. By committing adultery in the heart, people become internal strangers. This is where the deepest causes of family destruction lie; There is a crack here that can become an abyss.

(A case from the pastoral practice of priest Sergius Shklyaev,
Spiritual and educational magazine “Orthodox conversation”)

A married man attended a wedding without his wife.

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