A humpback whale swims past a boat within arm’s reach [видео]

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News | 12 06 2024, 23:32 | SeverPost Photo: VKontakte/Murmansk coast/Anton Chaiko Murmansk fisherman and blogger Anton Chaiko filmed a humpback whale. The whale swam very close to the cameraman’s boat. And we managed to shoot video on the surface of the water and under the water, and see how the whale swims in the sea. Let us remind you that the ships of the Northern Fleet entered the port of Havana. Read also: Russian banks raised prices by the dollar To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel. Fog descends on Murmansk. Visibility in Murmansk is deteriorating. The fog is approaching the city. “Alyosha” is no longer visible from Zhilstroy. The houses on the street are also lost in the fog…→

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