A German businessman tried to hide from trial at the German Embassy and disappeared – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On the day the verdict was announced, German businessman Ralph Nowak tried to find refuge on the territory of the German Embassy in Moscow, but hours of negotiations with diplomats yielded nothing, and he voluntarily left, writes Der Spiegel. The publication notes that Novak had little chance of receiving help from the embassy. The Vienna Convention provides that a diplomatic mission must, upon request, hand it over to local authorities. His case is not political, so he could not be granted “embassy asylum.” The publication also reports that the businessman’s lawyer, Konstantin Elfimov, spoke about Novak’s poor health after the verdict of the Tushinsky Court in Moscow. According to the lawyer, the businessman “was in a panic and was afraid of going to prison again.” Meanwhile, the businessman was not present when the verdict was announced, Novak did not appear in court, and Elfimov then stated that he did not know where he was. According to Kommersant’s sources, before the verdict was announced, Novak fell ill due to nervous tension. He was hospitalized in one of the private clinics, presumably with a hypertensive attack. On June 3, the Tushinsky Court of Moscow sentenced German investor Ralf Novak to five years in prison and a fine of 800 thousand rubles for theft of shares in the BelkaCar car sharing service. Lawyers for the head of Singular CIS, Novak, were unable to contact him after he failed to appear at the sentencing.

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