Biden Loses Debate to Trump, Elena Blinovskaya’s Husband Storms Northern Military District – June 28, 2024 – Russia Today

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Elena Blinovskaya with her husband Source: elena_blinovkova/Instagram (social media activity is prohibited in the Russian Federation) Every day, many events happen in the world that are simply impossible to include in the news feed. That is why we collect the main events in this digest. Today, we are summing up June 28. Reaction to the debates In the United States, the debates between Biden and Trump, the presidential candidates, are being actively discussed. Most American media outlets report that Biden had the weakest debate since they began in the United States. The Washington Examiner writes that the debates turned out to be a disaster for Biden: “The first presidential debate lasted 90 minutes, but President Joe Biden lost it inside”10. He immediately stumbled, lost his train of thought, and fell silent. It was painful to watch, and it was clear that no matter how much he prepared, he could not string sentences together or make coherent arguments. (Recall that earlier the media reported on the president’s preparation for the debates so that he did not appear in public for a week.) Trump, according to the Washington Examiner, delivered the knockout blow just 15 minutes into the debate, after Biden’s incoherent answer about illegal immigration: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows either.” It was fair. It was true. Read our colleagues from Fontanka for a more detailed analysis. Elon Musk called memes the winner of the debates. The Kremlin said that these debates “are not an event.” “We will review all the statements that were made,” however, Dmitry Peskov added to RIA Novosti, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has declared the wife of the “marathon queen” Alexei Blinovsky wanted. According to preliminary data, he is wanted for tax evasion. Recall that on April 13 it became known that Alexei Blinovsky signed a contract and will go to the Northern Military District. Later, he reported that they wanted to terminate his military service contract. But he himself was categorically against this and considered the process illegal. RIA Novosti wrote that Blinovsky “is in his unit in the Northern Military District zone, but does not show up for his.” duty and does not perform any tasks.” However, the situation has changed. On June 28, his colleague and former lawyer Elman Pashayev reported that Blinovsky “was transferred to an assault unit” and he took part in the battles near Krasnogorovka. Vladimir Putin held a meeting with graduates of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The main points of his speech (according to TASS): security issues remain the main ones for Novorossiya and Donbass, but social issues cannot be put off for later, the standard of living in the LPR and other new regions must meet everyone’s needs; – Russian, resources are allocated, it is important to use them wisely. Putin agrees that there are few women in the leadership of the Russian Federation, but this contradicts the Western principle of appointment based on gender, without taking into account the personal qualities of the businessman was tried for theft of the Ministry of Defense A businessman from St. Petersburg was sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement of 35 million from the Ministry of Defense In addition, 32.4 million rubles were collected from him. Compensation for material damage Igor Mikhailov, General Director of ZAO “St. Petersburg Laboratory”, fully admitted his guilt. According to the case materials, the businessman knew about the state contract, which was concluded between the Ministry of Defense and JSC “Chief Director for the Arrangement of Troops”. It was supposed to be used for the reconstruction of roads of a military unit in the Vologda Region. The amount of this contract was 35 million rubles. Mikhailov, noting that the work under the contract was not completed, deceived the employees of the Ministry of Defense and JSC GUOV about the readiness of the facility. To create the appearance of fulfilling the contract, the businessman transferred 10.9 million rubles for materials and services to the account of an organization controlled by him, OOO SPEL-Engineering. Mikhailov stole all 35 million rubles allocated by the Ministry of Defense. The 10.9 million rubles transferred to the account of OOO SPEL-Engineering were presumably for vehicles, equipment, goods, and consumables. Later, the convicted man recovered the money from the account of OOO SPEL-Engineering through shell companies and individual entrepreneurs. The head of the Investigative Committee asked to return the death penalty. The head of the Scientific Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, proposed to return the death penalty. He stated that this must be done, since the number of serious crimes is growing. “Why don’t we end the moratorium, given the fact that the number of serious crimes is growing?” Competent, highly qualified lawyers told me that it is necessary to amend the Constitution and hold a referendum. “And I believe that after the president’s decree, the moratorium on the death penalty will be lifted,” Bastrykin said. In Soviet times, murderers were not dealt with during the ceremony, the head of the Investigative Committee continued. Here is the latest example – “Crocus City”. <...> While in Soviet times the death penalty could be imposed for the aggravated murder of two or three people, these 15 defendants will receive a maximum of life imprisonment. What does it mean? “Three meals a day, two-hour walks,” emphasized the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “Waiting” Russian Railways has launched a “waiting list” for long-distance trains. We explain how this should work. If you see on the Russian Railways website that there are no more tickets for the desired train, you need to click on the “Application to Queue” button. It appears when all possible seats in the carriages are occupied. Then the route, departure date and train number are automatically filled in. After this, the passenger must enter the following data into the application – the type of carriage, the number of seats required and their location (bottom/top/side, etc.). It is also necessary to provide personal data of passengers and contact information. “When tickets that satisfy the request appear in the system, the user receives a notification and a link to pay for tickets within two hours,” Russian Railways noted on the website that payment is not made. required time, reservation is canceled Other news The State Duma wants to prohibit women from having an abortion of their choice after the ninth week (currently this period is 12 weeks). Deputies submitted such a proposal to Roszdravnadzor. Gazprom has decided not to pay dividends for 2023. At the same time, the company has not paid dividends for the last three years (2021-2023). The only exception was temporary dividends for the first half of 2022. During the air raid, the authorities of Sevastopol forced both ordinary residents and businessmen to allow people into their homes. Those who do not allow passers-by to cover themselves will be fined. For individuals, the amounts will range from three to five thousand rubles, for officials – from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, for legal entities – from 100 to 300 thousand. Residents of border villages in the Belgorod region will receive 4,750 fire extinguishers. This will allow you to quickly extinguish fires in places where the Ministry of Emergency Situations cannot reach.

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