A boxing tournament in memory of Anatoly Bredov has started in Murmansk – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 03 11 2023, 22:41 | SeverPost Photo: website of the Council of Deputies of the city of Murmansk The grand opening of a boxing tournament in memory of Anatoly Bredov took place in Murmansk, which has not only a sporting, but also an educational function. Every year, before the opening ceremony, participants are shown a film about Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Bredov. The competition will last until November 5th. In 2023, the competition will be held for the 38th time, the head of Murmansk Igor Morar said in his Telegram channel. Let us remind you that Alexander Khatayan took first place in the Thai boxing tournament among boys 16-17 years old in the 67 kg weight category. The Murmansk resident is a member of the “Army Hand-to-Hand Combat” association of the “Lapland” center as part of the Murmansk region team. Read also: Murmansk powerlifters received awards at the Russian Cup To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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