a doctor from Russia worked in China for 7 years, drove a BMW with a driver, but decided to return home – June 20, 2024 – Russia today

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David Kostyanovsky worked as vice-president of the North-Eastern International Hospital Source: Natalya Laptsevich, provided by the hero of the material Semyon Kazmin (collage) “The working day begins with tea, at least here,” David Kostyanovsky smiles invitingly. us to his office in Chelyabinsk City Clinical Hospital No. 8. In a small room, our attention is immediately drawn to a tea table from China with luxurious cups, and on the table is a book with hieroglyphs and sweets from the Middle Kingdom. – And in China? – I ask – In China it all started with soy milk. Besides, it started at 4 am, and it wasn’t that hot outside yet. The wild heat begins at half past five, it’s already 30 degrees or more, it’s uncomfortable to go outside. Although the official working day, like everywhere else, is from 8 am. While I didn’t have a car, I rode a bicycle to work, from work to home – 16 kilometers. In the morning – 16, in the evening – 16, a total of 32 or 160 kilometers per week. But we had a great time there: the park, the Honghe River, you drive along the river through a beautiful park,” our interlocutor En Chelyabinsk, who recently headed the therapeutic department of City Clinical Hospital No. 8 Fonto, recalls with nostalgia. : Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU I carefully examine the carved table. “In China, all negotiations take place at the tea table,” the doctor notices me and invites me to sit down. He pours boiling water into a cup-like cup. bowl, and after a few seconds splashes it right onto the table. Water flows into the holes between the slats. “Before you pour in the tea leaves, you need to heat the teapot, otherwise the tea won’t open,” he explains. – Today we will drink Moli Hua Cha – this is green tea with jasmine. The tea ceremony is a whole ritual Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU He pours the tea leaves out of the bag, rinses them with boiling water and drains the tea. again I catch myself thinking that I’m following the movements of my hands, as if I were following a magical ritual. A few minutes – and the doctor is already pouring aromatic tea into small cups. “Try it,” he suggests. The doctor brought the tea table with him from China Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU. After all, this is exactly how the morning should begin… “A doctor is the highest profession in China” 36-year-old David Kostyanovsky has just returned to Chelyabinsk from China, where he worked as a doctor for almost seven years. He remembers: the road to the profession was as long as the road to work on a bicycle in Shenyang. A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine from Snezhinsk decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandmother, but he did not receive his medical education immediately at the South Ural State Medical University, but after graduating from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University. Then his passion for Asia led him and his wife to the Middle Kingdom. When asked where this hobby came from, the doctor shrugs. “It’s like loving Chinese tea,” he replies thoughtfully. – Doctor is the highest profession in China. There is no one higher than a doctor. This is prestige, this is status. When a child is born in China, he has childhood for the first three years, then he is sent to school to study languages, music, study biology, botany. Then he goes to school. And when a final exam happens in his life, it is the only exam and the only attempt to pass it. And you have to pass it with the maximum score. So, if a person scores between 96 and 100, he is eligible to study at a medical school. Not everyone can become a doctor or prove their degree. To prove to myself that I am a doctor not only at home, but also in any country in the world, David Kostyanovsky, immediately after graduating from the South Ural State Medical University, went to China, where he confirmed his diploma and became a doctor. graduate. doctor Source: provided by the hero of the material Becoming a doctor in China is really possible. The diploma, translated into Chinese and certified by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was confirmed once again, turned out to be difficult; lasted several months. It also turned out that the Chinese studied poorly in Russia: “When I arrived there, no one understood me.” Nowhere: not in the store, not on the market, not on the street,” laughs David Kostyanovsky. – My wife and I tried to learn the language in Russia, but we have to learn it with the Chinese and among others. Then I studied the language at Northeastern University, where I took the Chinese language exam, the so-called HSK, but these are all formalities. To learn to speak, you need to live there, you need to listen, listen a lot to how other people speak, try to understand what they are talking about. After two years, you can start saying in a store: “I want to buy a kilogram of apples or a kilogram of eggs – Yes, eggs in China are sold in kilograms.” In general, the measure of weight in China is yin, that is, half a kilogram. Eggs are not sold in silos like ours. You come to the market, they put them in a bag for you: “There are 200 people at the reception every day.” The first place of work of the Russian doctor was the Shenjing State Hospital with a thousand beds. On the territory there is a wonderful, beautiful park, a pond overgrown with lotuses, Chinese-style gazebos, and Japanese red crucian carp swimming in the pond. This hospital [ГКБ № 8 Челябинска]— our interlocutor looks around his office. – For 800 beds. It was a little bigger. Work in an outpatient clinic, as it would sound in Russia, at a reception – 200 people a day – You start working at 7 am, finish at 9 pm, sometimes at 11 am. I had to work a lot with patients. The patients are Chinese. It was good practice, language comes first. Practice of understanding what the Chinese want from medicine I had to work a lot in China Source: provided by the hero of the material – What do they want – In general, Western medicine came to China in the mid-70s of the 20th century, and now most hospitals are Western, and when I started working, only 20 percent of clinics were Western. In China there is no extensive public insurance, no compulsory health insurance. Therefore, all medicines there are paid for. There, first a person pays the cashier, and then they take care – And patients come only in emergency cases – Human health in China is the most expensive. There is no value in life anymore. Health and family. But health always comes first. As long as a person is healthy, he is able to work, but imagine the story – there is no pension, no sick leave, only the manager has vacation. And then the person gets sick. He turns to traditional Chinese medicine, to a Chinese doctor – That is, they turn to a Western clinic when traditional medicine has not helped. They will go a long way by stubbornly adhering to traditions. I am not saying that Chinese medicine helps in some situations. If any complications arise, the patient needs urgent surgery or some kind of urgent consultation, then, of course, he comes to the clinic. Western medicine is either the next stage or the first stage for very rich people because it is expensive. When I started working, it was 2018, the average salary for the Chinese was 2.5 thousand yuan. A consultation with a Western doctor costs 700. This is just a consultation, no tests. Taking into account the tests and subsequent consultation, this figure is 5 thousand. And the average salary is 2.5 thousand. Therefore, only very rich people can afford it. In the most difficult cases, the doctor had to turn to a Chinese doctor, yes. Strangers are different. Foreigners have a different problem. Not all foreigners have money, not all foreigners save and save money. They come, their average salary is 5 thousand yuan, he spends everything on life, at the end of the month there will be zero left. When Covid hit, it became a big problem for many. There was no money. Many hospitals were closed to foreigners – You survived the pandemic – Yes, we survived a total of six waves of coronaviruses – Our hospitals were reused, but how did your clinic work? in a week there were 10 thousand beds and all the patients were admitted there. If there was a positive case, the entire department was closed – the entire department could not return home for 21 days. But our hospital continued to operate. The doctor worked in China for almost seven years and rolled asphalt on this bridge. And in two days this bridge can be opened. In China, everything is done very quickly. If a situation arises, a decision is made, the state gives land, a building is built, and everything is done very quickly – I still can’t imagine how you can see 200 patients a day – you can transplant an adult tree. : if this is an adult tree ready for transplanting, you can carefully dig it up, prepare the soil in a new place and replant it, fertilize it, and water it. And then “Patients are the same everywhere” will live. After some time, David Kostyanovsky moved from the state clinic to the North-Eastern International Hospital, where he worked for several years. The doctor says that the choice was difficult: examinations and competition for 70 people per place. “It was a private clinic with a large international department, occupying a quarter of the hospital. This international unit has 1,200 beds for foreigners only. He worked first in a clinic, then in a hospital, then as director of the international department, then as deputy chief physician for treatment. At the North-Eastern International Hospital, David Kostyanovsky treated foreigners regarding doctors’ salaries, are they high? Medicine is the highest profession in China. When I started working as the head of the department, the hospital gave me a BMW X4, when I became the head of medicine – a BMW X7 with a driver – Why did they come back – Everyone has parents. Parents don’t always stay young. They age and develop various diseases. And not every mature tree can be transplanted. We always return to our hometown, our beloved Chelyabinsk, along the streets of which my grandfather walked. He was an artist, created the Union of Artists here, painted the interior of the Opera and Ballet Theater building, designed the Pushkin cinema and the Znamya cinema. It’s very cool to walk along the streets where my grandfather walked and had his hand and heart with him. My father was born in Chelyabinsk, studied at a medical institute – our alma mater, so if he lives, it will be only here, in Chelyabinsk. The department in Chelyabinsk, which was headed by a doctor, is much smaller than the department he headed in China. , but there is enough work here too. Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU – Why did you choose City Clinical Hospital No. 8? “I first came to the Road Hospital, but the next day I wrote a letter of resignation – it didn’t help. And there is a very good team here. Are there any moments that you immediately wanted to rebuild in the department, taking into account the experience of China? No, there were no such moments. It is clear that different countries, different working conditions, different living conditions of departments, different departments, different meanings for the existence of departments, different goals. This is an emergency department, there are no elective patients here. Only patients in serious condition come here, only patients requiring constant monitoring. Although, in fact, in China, any branch is an emergency. A person never plans when he will get sick. The doctor says that people’s illnesses do not depend on their country of residence. Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU – What time does the working day start? morning No, officially the working day starts at eight and ends at half past six, but I arrive at seven. I would have arrived earlier, but my wife and I now travel to work from Snezhinsk, we have a house there, and the journey takes time – Are the sick here the same? This does not depend on the color of your skin – Do you have a dream to work in some other countries of the world – We love Russia very much, our home, and now we are needed. Especially in such a difficult time for our country Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU

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