What was the most disgusting food in kindergartens of the Soviet Union?

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Since childhood, almost every weekday begins with a reluctance to go anywhere. In very early childhood, a person does not want to go to kindergarten, a little later to school, then to university, then to work. At the same time, at school they remember kindergarten with nostalgia, at university – school, and being in corporate slavery, they envy the freedom of their student years. This is how a person works – he does not know how to appreciate the moment. that’s all! Who will now refuse the presence of a quiet hour in the everyday routine of boys in identical shirts and shorts worn over tights, girls in simple dresses and bows on their hair, sandals, wardrobes with images of animals, the teacher who showed up? in adulthood, almost an old aunt, but in fact a young woman of about 30. A warm, carefree period of life for almost every person. There was, however, a huge disadvantage in Soviet kindergartens, the memory of which makes me sick. Some of the food that they tried to feed Soviet children was simply monstrous in its unappetizingness. Firstly, when arriving at kindergarten, the children carefully sniffed – what would they eat for breakfast of disgusting dishes from our childhood? Hot milk with film was given for breakfast or afternoon snack. I still don’t understand how you can start your day with such a drink. And it would be nice if it were only warm, but a MOVIE!.. Just its appearance was disgusting. They tried to sabotage the consumption of milk, but there were those who resolutely drank it in one gulp, pushing the film to the edge of the mug. Semolina porridge with balls For some reason, most often it stood on the tables, although warm, but in a slightly weathered state, so its top layer became hard. The only option to force myself to eat this porridge was to scrape off the top layer to reveal the porridge in its original form. At the same time, an unnoticed “lump” in a spoon could lead to a shameful and disgusting failure at the table, which, in turn, could cause a chain reaction among all the other classmates. Pearl barley porridge is dry and at the same time somehow slippery, with some kind of “office” smell. As a rule, it is barely warm, often scorched. When you try to swallow, a lump forms in your throat, persistently asking for it to come back. Carrot puree Barely warm, dirty, with a cloying aftertaste, some nasty, pale dirty orange color. It looks like it was mixed with potatoes. Almost no one ate carrot puree, preferring to spread it on a plate, pretending that it had been partially eaten. Soup with dumplings I don’t remember the rest of the ingredients of this soup (I think it was prepared with chicken broth), but those vile, tasteless, slippery pieces of dough floating in it were extremely disgusting, it was rarely served. , but his appearance at lunch was depressing. Milk soup with noodles This soup mixed 3 children’s gastronomic horrors: hot milk, noodles that stick together and therefore look like the dumplings described above, and, as the crown of this culinary perversion, sometimes there was also a hated foam covering the entire surface of it. “soup””. Kissel By the way, there is a mystery with jelly. If all of the above can still cause vomiting in most people, then why jelly caused such rejection in childhood is not clear. In general, the drink is harmless, the taste is quite pleasant. Maybe because it was very viscous and served almost warm.

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