“I tried this for the first time!” Muceniece showed what she did to Chuikov

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Agata Muceniece is actively building a career and raising two children from her marriage to Pavel Priluchny. During breaks, the artist spends time with her boyfriend Ivan Chuikov. The day before, the star decided to master wakeboarding after her lover. At first, Ivan’s hobby frightened Muceniece: the need to maintain balance while the boat was moving, and being in the icy river water seemed to Agatha as incomprehensible “pleasures.” But later the artist realized the beauty of skateboarding. “The story is about how Ivanushka stopped me. I tried this for the first time and, imagine, it worked! I even let go of the rope. Ivan Chuikov’s voiceover is priceless. I love you guys,” the artist said. It is worth noting that Agatha’s love for sports helped her master the fashionable form of outdoor activities. The star is in excellent physical shape, so she easily entered the board. “I wanted to edit a video of many falls, and then as if I could still stand on this board. Under the video, of course, there should be a motivational text, but nothing happened, because by some miracle it worked right away!” – assured Muceniece. By the way, Ivan also pleased his fans with publications from the Moskva River. “Faith Life is about keeping balance and kissing. We managed to wash ourselves and sunbathe, and we weren’t cold at all,” Chuikov said. Fans showered Agatha with compliments. “I can imagine what a wave of emotions. Soon she will put the children on the board, nothing is impossible, they are very brave”, “The girl who takes something, everything works! Great job! Keep it up! Wise and beautiful!”, “Agatha Edgarovna, finally your eyes are full of happiness. I wish you health, dear, I love you”, “Superwoman! All this is thanks to excellent physical fitness and good coordination,” people wrote in the comments.

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