03. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

11.23. Relevant.

“ “The same thing happens today, when we talk about preserving our culture, our language” – Putin about Alexander Nevsky at a meeting with members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin met with members of the new Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the eve of National Unity Day and remembered a significant historical figure – Alexander Nevsky. According to the president, the commander bowed to the Horde khans and received the label to reign primarily in order to effectively resist the invasion from the west.

The Horde behaved arrogantly and cruelly, but did not affect the language, traditions, or culture. And this is the most important thing – if a culture is destroyed, then the people begin to disappear as an ethnic group, like snow in late spring. That’s why we consider Nevsky a saint, because the commander thought about how to preserve the Russian people.

The implementation of projects under presidential grants affected the lives of 15 million Russian citizens – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with members of the Public Chamber, noted their work with presidential grants in various areas.

“If you combine what has been done in recent years by the state and what various public organizations have attracted to implement their projects, this is 125 billion rubles, which in one way or another affected the lives of 15 million citizens of the country,” Putin said.

The head of state expressed confidence that even more will be done. He thanked the members of the OP for working with the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, working with our military, and also caring for people who were injured during the SVO.

We are turning from a “gas station” into a self-sufficient country with processing production – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with members of the Public Chamber, touched upon the internal agenda and noted that this is what needs to be focused on the most. According to him, the stronger Russia is economically, militarily and politically, the less desire the West and Europe will have to exclude it from international life.

“We must be aggressive, which means sovereign and independent,” Putin said.

The head of state also noted that Russia’s GDP growth this year will be 2.8%, and maybe 3%, while in Europe it will be negative. He confirmed that this is the result of the connectivity of an economy that is self-sufficient in key components and real production, which allows the country not only to survive, but also to move forward.

➡ More Putin statements:

⚡”If everything were fine in Ukraine, it would never occur to anyone to act the way we act”

Vladimir Putin said that if the Nazis had not come to power and the coup d’état in Ukraine, the events of the Crimean Spring and then the events in Donbass would not have happened. According to him, now, in turn, everything needs to be done to ensure that the entry of these territories into Russia is smooth and natural.

⚡”Corruption in Ukraine is actually legalized”

According to the president, in Ukraine at the moment “everything is bought and sold.” He noted that Russia has many problems with corruption, but Moscow and Kiev have completely different levels of its prevalence.

⚡ “The United States is planning a change of elites in Ukraine due to problems with corruption.”

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