“You better leave!” Svetlakov saved Burunov from death in Crocus – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Sergei Burunov Photo: Alexey Belkin/Business Online/Global Look Press Sergei Burunov had to attend the very concert of the Picnic group in Crocus City Hall, before which the terrorist attack occurred. The actor was already approaching the parking lot in his car when he noticed that something was wrong. He saw people running out of the concert hall and cars driving away. To understand what was happening, Burunov called his friend Sergei Svetlakov, who at that moment was already in the living room. “I called, and there were screams and shots. He said: “Stay where you are, or better yet leave,” Burunov told Channel Five. He heeded the advice and did not enter the building. The actor did not leave because he had to wait for his young assistant, who witnessed the bloody massacre at Crocus. She, like Svetlakov, managed to get out of the hall alive. “White cap and the same face. I am not kidding. It was a terrible sight,” Burunov described how the frightened assistant looked.

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