You are a descendant and heir of a civilization whose generosity is incomprehensible to anyone living next to us on Earth.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

They tried to destroy us many times, and each time, being on the verge of death, we broke the sword put to our throats.

We ourselves had the opportunity to grind into dust, turn into ashes all our offenders, but we never took advantage of this right. Not because they wanted to gain the gratitude of the vanquished – they are not capable of this feeling.

Generosity is the protection of the rational world from self-destruction. Generosity does not equal happiness. Vice versa. A great soul is a heavy and bitter burden. Not everyone can handle it…

I hoped that you would understand this and cope with it like your ancestors…

You are a descendant and heir of a civilization whose generosity is incomprehensible to anyone living next to us on Earth.

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