Widows of servicemen killed in the Northern Military District will be able to receive two pensions at the same time – May 22, 2024

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The support measure will affect spouses of both military personnel and volunteers Source: Vladislav Lonshakov / E1.RU On May 22, the Federation Council approved a law that will allow widows of military personnel and volunteers who died in the Northern Military District to receive two. pensions at the same time – insurance and in case of loss of a breadwinner. The document states that if the spouses of the deceased are raising their children, they are entitled to a survivor’s pension regardless of age, ability to work or ability to work. True, only if they do not remarry. The document states that they will be able to receive two pensions simultaneously until the child reaches the age of majority, and if the child continues to study full-time after school, until he reaches 23 years of age. . . If a child becomes disabled before reaching the age of 18, the payment of the pension continues after he or she reaches adulthood. This will in no way affect the survivor’s pension awarded to the child. A child who is already receiving a survivor’s pension will not be affected. Thus, the family will receive two pensions at the same time, according to the commentary to the bill on the website of the Federation Council. Now the president must sign the law, and the document will come into force at the beginning of 2025.

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