What’s wrong with the story of the concert hall in Gorky Park? — Vkurs.ru – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The owner of the park named after. Gorky in Perm, Rashid Gabdullin published a post on his page on social networks in which he announced a new round of legal disputes with the city administration regarding objects in the park. Thus, Gabdullin said that in addition to demolishing some cafes and toilets, the authorities intend to demolish the main stage located near the rotunda. “What has not yet been covered is the requirement to demolish the main stage and almost weekly inspections of everything that can be done with the task of issuing a warning and a fine for everything that can be done,” the contractor wrote on his page. . . Photo: In kurs.ru “In kurs.ru” asked the city government for comment. So, according to the first deputy head of the Perm city administration, Olga Andrianova, we are not talking about the demolition of the main stage of the park named after. Gorky, but only on recognition of the tenant’s property rights as absent. In 2024, the Department of Land Relations of the Perm Administration established that the tenant of the park’s land park was LLC Central Amusement Park named after. Gorky” – in In relation to the variety theater and entrance in 2023, the ownership was registered with the Rosreestr Office for the Perm Territory. Under the terms of the park land lease agreement, contractors cannot register ownership of the objects. “Claim. was presented to the judicial authorities of the department for recognition of the rights to the absence of ownership rights to these structures, and not for demolition,” Andrianova’s interlocutor, familiar with the course of the trial, told the Samtempe portal. It is puzzling why a city recreation park is becoming private property. “For what purpose did the tenant register ownership rights to some park facilities? To then change the type of permitted use there and build some objects there. Obviously, this will not be allowed,” the interlocutor notes. The Perm administration adds that some of the facilities in the park were built without the necessary permits, which is a violation of established standards. Earlier, VKurs.ru wrote that hearings about illegal development on the territory of Gorky Park are continuing. place for several months.

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