What does the Russian tricolor mean for the residents of Taganrozh? – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Russian tricolor is one of the most important national symbols. All significant events in the life of the country are marked by raising the national flag. Today, all Russians who want to emphasize their citizenship and express patriotic feelings can freely hang the Russian flag on residential buildings, personal cars, place it in offices, bring it to mass public events, etc. By the way, this is not necessary. wait for the holiday, you can do this on any other day of the year. Our photojournalist Ilya Luts drew attention to the abundance of empty flag holders on city buildings. There is a set of rules governing the size of the flag to be installed, the height of its location, as well as the order of placement in the presence of several flags. If you are standing in front of the flags (and the facade of the building), then the flags must be placed from left to right in the following order: the flag of the republic, the flag of the Russian Federation, the city flag, the corporate flag. . Arrangement in descending order of priority is allowed: flag of the Russian Federation, flag of the republic, flag of the city, flag of the enterprise. In February of this year, the State Duma approved a bill on the mandatory placement of Russian flags on the facades of kindergartens and universities, so that Taganrog would soon become even more beautiful. But, of course, planting the flag is half the battle; it also needs to be looked after, because it is not appropriate for a tricolor to look dirty! Read us on Telegram: https://t.me/bloknot_taganrog Irina Kuznetsova Previously reported: Taganrog was not built right away: how are things going at the emergency sewer departments 3859 News about Bloknot-Taganrog

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