We have nothing to hide and we are not preparing underground [ядерное] test – the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at the US Department of Energy, Jill Hruby, at the same time serves as the US Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

She confirmed that the United States is working to modernize its nuclear test site and fully understands the concerns that Russia and other states may have in connection with new work at the Nevada facility.

At the same time, Hruby assured that the United States is not preparing to resume underground nuclear testing.

However, for some reason, American experts were brought to the test site (pictured).


We have nothing to hide and we are not preparing underground [ядерное] test - the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at the US Department of Energy, Jill Hruby, at the same time serves as the US Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security.

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